
Architectural Review Committee  (ARC)
The role of the ARC is to support each property owner’s right by enforcing the covenants (deed restrictions) with common sense. It is important to remember that most exterior modifications are within the domain of the ARC and approval must be obtained prior to beginning changes. If prior approval is not obtained, the ARC has the right to request removal or stop installation/construction.
Examples of items requiring ARC approval include fences, solar panels, sheds/gazebos, satellite dishes, pools, driveways and changes to the homes exterior colors.
Examples of items not requiring ARC approval include repainting a house the same exterior color, replacement of dead trees, installation of white gutters with white downspouts or downspouts the same color as the house, installation of landscape edging provided the color is black, white, gray, brown, tan (other colors require ARC approval.)
These lists are not intended to be all-inclusive, but rather to provide examples. If you would like to make a modification to the exterior or your home and wonder if it requires prior ARC approval, please refer to the homeowner’s Documents or contact an ARC member.
While the ARC does its best to expedite requests received, 30-day notice is required to facilitate your request and gather the necessary information. Please send your completed application package to:
River Grove Home Owners Association
Attn: ARC
P.O. Box 541778
Merritt Island, Florida, 32954-1778
or attend the regularly scheduled ARC meeting with all required information.
Landscaping Committee: (This will be covered by the ARC)
The role of the Landscaping Committee is to arrange for and oversee contracts to maintain and improve the landscaping, lakes, and structures in the common areas, monitor and maintain the health of the landscaping to catch problems before they become disasters, monitor and maintain the sprinkler system, develop a long-term plan to ensure the continuous beauty of the common areas, and act as a neighborhood resource for horticultural information.
Welcoming Committee:
The role of the Welcoming Committee is to greet all new homeowners to the neighborhood, and provide them with a brief synopsis of the River Grove community experience. 
Website Committee:
The role of the Website Committee is the creation and maintenance of the River Grove Homeowner’s Association website.